1C: Management of our company in the cloud is a complete integrated solution for managing and accounting in small business.
Everything you need in one application: trade and warehouse, services and jobs, purchases and reserves, bank and cash, personnel and payroll, production and assembly operations, analytical reports and CRM. Strict compliance with the law: printed forms, 54-ФЗ, ЕГАИС, etc. Payment of taxes and submission of reports for individual entrepreneurs, for the rest - regular integration with 1C: Accounting.
For whom? 1C: Management of our company is an application for a business engaged in wholesale, retail and online trade, services, services, contracts, small-scale and custom production.
Business analytics: sales statistics and profitability on orders, products, activities. Control of cash flows and mutual settlements with customers, suppliers. Accounting of income, expenses and analysis of the financial result of the company.
Support: advice and support - on request. Free webinars - regularly. Training materials, presentations and videos with a detailed analysis of the functions - at any time.
Your knowledge is enough: you can systematize and automate your business in stages. The solution is not overloaded with excessive functionality, it can be easily customized to the features of organizing the management and accounting of your business. You do not need to know accounting and tax accounting.
Without restrictions: work as you like and anywhere - on the computer in the office, on the laptop on the road, on the tablet in the park. Your data is stored and available in any version of 1C: Management of our company.
Get started now!
The minimum version of the 1C: Enterprise platform for mobile client operation is